Cancer and Oxygen

On your journey to defeating cancer, one of the simplest things you can do to help your body's immune system fight the cancer cells is to increase the oxygen in your body.

Dr. Otto Warburg, a German cancer specialist, received the Nobel prize in 1931, for proving that cancer cells could not survive in a highly oxygenated environment. His research showed that an enzyme in beets could vastly increase the amount of oxygen in your body. So the simplest thing you can do to increase your oxygen levels is to eat beets. Make sure you eat them raw because cooking and pickling the beets can destroy the enzymes.

Peel, chop and or slice the raw beets into any salad. Beets contain oxyalic acid, so it is not advisable to eat them with anything containing high amounts of calcium like, dairy products, tofu or even brocolli. Doing so results in an indigestible compound. Make sure that you always eat beets with other fruits and vegetables - never on its own. Beets are somewhat powerful on their own and have been known to produce some allergic reactions when eaten in large amounts on their own. Also, don't be surprised to see your bowel movements coming out red. It's a natural occurence with the amount of red pigment in beets.

You should also do deep breathing exercises throughout the day. The yoga practice of deep breathing is called pranayama and yogis have known about the power of breathing for centuries. You don't have to become a yogi to do breathing exercises though. An easy way to begin is to simply lie on top of a folded blanket or bolster so that your chest and head are elevated above the floor. This helps to open the chest and allow for deeper breathing.

Once you are in that relaxed position, place your legs in whatever position that is the most comfortable for you. The lady in the above picture has her legs supported by rolled up blankets. You can do the same or you can have your legs straight out in front of you. It doesn't matter what you choose as long as you are comfortable.

Then take a deep breath starting at the base of your diaphragm (near your belly button), then in the same breath fill the area near your ribs and then finally breathe into the chest. Remember that this is all one breath. Then exhale naturally, letting all the breath go. That's it! Just repeat that cycle for as long as you are comfortable. Some people who are not used to deep breathing may only be able to do that for a minute or two before they start feeling uncomfortable. If you reach that stage of discomfort make sure to stop at that point. In time, you will be able to do that for longer periods.

Practice that breathing method in the morning before your daily activities and also in the evening before you go to bed. You will also find that it will eventually bring you a deep sense of relaxation.

Remember that fighting cancer involves more than just one approach. If you are already receiving treatment, you need to also make sure your body is in peak operating condition to allow your own immune system to fight the cancer. Don't just rely on the treatment you are taking.

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