Alternative Cancer Therapy

Alternative Cancer therapy is an option for some people that are looking for a treatment, for cancer, that is less harmful to your body's healthy cells. There are many alternative treatments that are considered experimental and have not fully been tested for safety and effectiveness. These treatments could be categorized into two categories. There is the non-holistic treatment which often use powerful drugs to directly attack the cancer using a variety of strategies. Then there are holistic treatments which are generally much gentler in their approach. These holistic treatments don't include the use of drugs and are focused on the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the individual.

Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide for themselves which therapies or combination of therapies to choose. Most western doctors would never recommend using holistic treatments for cancer. However, there are those that don't believe in western medicine and would rather choose holistic treatments. Presented here are several of the available treatments in both the non-holistic and holistic categories. The best that anyone can do is to research for themselves the possible therapies to make an informed decision on their own treatment.

DISCLAIMER: This website is for informational purposes only. This website is not a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis or treatment and should never be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health professional before starting any new treatment or making any changes to an existing treatment. Also, do not delay in seeking medical advice based on information on this website. Some information may be out of date. The links to external sites and videos are for informational purposes only and the author is not responsible for the accuracy or content. The author of this website also assumes no responsibility, nor endorses, warrants or guarantees any products or services that the reader may encounter as a result of the information in this website.

Non-Holistic Therapies

Angiogenesis is a drug therapy that targets the cancerous tumors and attempts to prevent them from growing blood vessels to the area. The objective is to starve the cancer cells of nutrients. This therapy only targets cancer cells and not healthy cells. It is still in the clinical trial stage.


Gene therapy
attempts to modify the genetic structure of cancerous cells in order to destroy them. A drug called Gendicine, is injected directly into the tumor that reactivates the P53 gene in each cancerous cell. The P53 gene, in healthy cells, normally acts as a tumor suppressant but is deactivated in cancerous cells. Once the Gendicine reactivates the P53 gene in the cancerous cells, the tumor self destructs. China is the only country in the world that currently possesses this technology and has given government approval for use in treatment. Many foreign cancer patients are travelling to China for treatment at a cost of $20,000 USD or more.

Gene therapy

seeks to enhance the body's own natural immune system through the use of biological response modifiers (BRMs). BRMs also serve to reduce the ability of cancerous cells to reproduce, limit the cancer cells ability to spread throughout the body and also weaken the cancer cells to promote their destruction by the immune system.

Multimodality therapy involves the use of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. This approach attempts to use the strengths of the individual therapies in a concerted effort to kill the cancer cells.

Photodynamic therapy involves the use of photosensitive drugs that are designed to accumulate in cancer cells, but be naturally eliminated from healthy cells. A fibre optic light is inserted into the body cavity that contains the cancer. Once there, the cancerous cells are exposed to light and destroyed by the activation of the photosensitive drug in the cancer cells.

Holistic Therapies

There are many holistic therapies that are perceived as controversial by western medicine standards. However, some therapies or practices have been around for thousands of years and are more popular in eastern societies as methods for healing. There is a school of thought that believes in the bodies innate ability to heal itself without the use of drugs and invasive techniques. There is also a belief that the mind itself creates illness in the body and that if the emotional and spiritual issues can be healed, then the healing of the body can follow. Many of these holistic therapies are considered palliative therapies that reduce the severity of both the cancer symptoms and the non-holistic treatment's side effects.

Acupuncture is a Chinese form of medicine that uses needles to stimulate and unblock the flow of energy meridians throughout the body. Acupuncture is based on the theory that energy blockages create illness. It's history may go back as far as the stone age, using sharpened stones. Despite the long history of acupuncture, western medicine has been very slow to validate its effectiveness.


Aromatherapy uses essential oils to stimulate body responses. The objective is to promote mental and physical well being by triggering specific positive body reactions linked to corresponding aromas.

Cancer & Aromatherapy

Meditation is another eastern practice that dates back thousands of years and can even be found in North American native culture. The goal of meditation is to calm the mind and to essentially stop thinking. An over active and worrying mind stimulates unhealthy body responses such as fear. By allowing the mind to stop its activity, the body can also find relaxation. Meditation can be accomplished in many ways. You can learn meditation from organizations such as the Transcendental Meditation (TM)) group that can charge hundreds of dollars to learn or you can meditate by simply scrubbing floors or gardening. If you have ever performed a menial task such as picking weeds, you may have found that you have lost track of time and that your mind went blank. That is the natural state of your mind and the objective of meditation. Deepak Chopra explains it well in the following video.


Yoga is a body, mind and soul (not religious) practice that originated thousands of years ago in India. It has gained wide spread popularity in North America in the last 2 decades. Yoga includes physical exercises, called asanas, for stretching and strengthening, breathing exerices called pranayama, and also mediation. The following free introductory videos mostly focus on the physical practice of asanas.


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